09 - The Cruel Mother
Artist | Title | Link |
1] The Roud Folk Music Index hosted by the Vaughan Williams Memorial Libary at https://www.vwml.org/
2] Wikipedia (1)
3] Mainly Norfolk (1)
4] Mudcat Forums (1)
5] “116 - Cruel Mother, The.” The New Penguin Book of English Folk Songs, by Stephen Roud and Julia C. Bishop, Penguin Books, 2014.
6] “History, Symbol, and Meaning in ‘The Cruel Mother’” by David Atkinson
7] “Woman Under the English Law: From the Landing of the Saxons to the Present Time" By Arthur Rackham Cleveland
8] "Monstrous Motherhood: Eighteenth-Century Culture and the Ideology of Domesticity” By Marilyn Francus
9] Internet Sacred Texts Archive (1)
10] The Contemplator (1)
1`] "Songs from David Herd's Manuscripts," by David Herd
Unfortunately all my research on this episode was lost in a computer crash in the mid 2010's, so I will try to revisit and dig them all up, but these are what I could find. This is also why the song list above is incomplete.
This is something I hope to get to eventually. This could take a WHILE so... check back?